Cancer does not discriminate

Nov 9, 2022

I am only 30 years old and was diagnosed with stage two breast cancer in May 2022. Clearly cancer does not discriminate based on age. In June I had the lump removed from my breast along with 10 lymph nodes and currently undergoing chemotherapy. I will be having a double mastectomy with reconstruction early next year.

It has not been an easy journey so far, but with the support of my family, friends and colleagues it does help one to stay positive and push through. I always look forward to the good days while on treatment.


I think it’s also important that people know their family history as I recently found out that I carry the BRCA2 gene and this will also help to prevent any more “surprises” as my genetic counselor has helped to set up a checklist for preventative measures for myself and my twin sister. It can be a big game changer for some people, especially in my twin sister’s case where she can prevent a case of breast cancer.

Tell us your cancer story – be it one of survival and hope or to pay tribute to a fallen warrior. We’d love to hear about and honour these brave people and their support networks.

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